William I


In his last years, William made several new laws. An interesting one is the banning of the death penalty. During William's reign, not one person was hanged. The last war William fought in was one against the French King Philip. There was a dispute over the ownership over some land in France, whether it belonged to the French or the Normans. So William marched out with his army and tried to fight for the land. During the battle, William's horse had stepped in some embers and fell. William stayed in his saddle but was thrown around and received what would come to be a mortal injury. William spent six weeks injured before he died. During this time he gave one final speech and told what should be done with his land, wealth, etc. On September 9, 1087, William the Conqueror died with the words, "I commend myself to the holy Mary, Mother of God, that by her prayers she may reconcile me with her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ."

His funeral procession was lead by Archbishop William of Rouen, the bishops and abbots of Normandy, and Abbot Gilbert of St. Stephen's and his monks. During the procession, flames erupted through the streets. So all the people watching ran to their houses to save their things. So those who lead the funeral procession were left to walk the streets through the flames, just like William was crowned in fire.